Check out my professional photography experience and credits. I’m sure you’ll find me easy to work with and dedicated to exceeding your expectations. References available upon request.

Feature Image of Seymour Art Show 2018
Mother Earth News Fair Coverage & Article Assignment Work
3 rd Place 2019 Fall Show, Morgantown Area Arts Association
Crede Haskins Calhoun II is an accomplished professional photographer, nature photographer and expert wilderness guide. He has had photographs published in Outside, Paddler, Maryland Magazine, Virginia Magazine, Maryland Magazine, Natural History, Audubon, National Geographic Traveler, National Geographic Books, Sierra, New England Traveler, Paddler, River Runner, Canoe, US Water News, and numerous other national trade publications and local brochures. Over 3,500 of Crede’s pictures have appeared in magazines, commercial brochures and catalogs for the resort, recreation, adventure manufacturing, and travel industry.
Crede has also had one man photography shows of his photography at the Art Company, Appalachian Gallery, MAC Benedum Gallery, Well Hung Gallery, Windrush Gallery, Maryland Governors Mansion Juried Show, and was a participant in the Friendsville Community Borders Project that produced an exhibit at Morgan State Univ. Museum in Baltimore. He completed an historic tour for the town of Friendsville, Maryland (funded in part by Maryland Historical Trust, Garrett County Commissioners, Maryland Heritage Authority, and Maryland State Arts Council).
He has won several awards for his fine art and commercial photography and graphic design, including the prestigious Silver Medallion Award from the National Council for Markting, and People’s Choice at the Maryland Governors Mansion Art Show. Crede also has several giant 8’X28′ Photo Murals as well as smaller backlit photos on rotating display at BWI Airport. Crede recently sold a photo for use on a Capitol One Credit Card, and many of his photographs grace the walls of numerous vacation homes and private collections. Crede and his wife Carol were recently featured in a Tom’s of Maine Instagram #naturenurtures video tour.